
Why get ISO 27001 Certified in 2024

why get iso 27001 certified

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In the past few years, many businesses have started to understand that an Information Security Management System [ISMS] is essential for their business’ success. In fact, even small companies and start-ups want to make sure that they are in compliance with industry Standards such as ISO 27001 and EU GDPR. The benefits of this are so significant that it makes sense for every business to get ISO 27001 certified as soon as possible.

What is ISO 27001 Certification?

ISO 27001 is a globally recognized Information Security Standard that sets out the requirements for an Information Security Management System [ISMS]. An ISMS is a systematic approach to managing sensitive Company information so that it remains secure. It involves managing people, processes and IT systems to ensure that the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of information is maintained.

ISO 27001 Certification is a process by which an independent, Accredited Certification Body verifies that an Organisation’s ISMS conforms to the Standard. The Certification process involves a formal audit of an Organisation’s Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Controls to ensure they meet the requirements of the Standard.

Achieving ISO 27001 Certification demonstrates to Customers, Suppliers and Stakeholders that an Organisation has implemented a rigorous and effective approach to managing its Information Security. It can also help an Organisation comply with legal and regulatory requirements related to Information Security, and can provide a competitive advantage by demonstrating a commitment to the protection of sensitive information.

7 reasons why your business should get ISO 27001 Certification

It is a fact that most businesses today have an interest in getting their Certifications and Standards. This is because they are aware of the benefits that come with it. Getting an ISO 27001 Certification, for example, can help your business grow by leaps and bounds. Here are seven reasons why a business should consider obtaining ISO 27001 Certification:

  1. Demonstrates a commitment to Information Security: Achieving ISO 27001 Certification demonstrates that a business is committed to protecting the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of its sensitive information. This commitment can help to build trust with Customers, Suppliers, and other Stakeholders.
  2. Enhances reputation: The Certification provides external validation that an Organisation has implemented a robust Information Security Management System. This can enhance the reputation of the Organisation and make it stand out from competitors who do not have such Certification.
  3. Improves regulatory compliance: ISO 27001 provides a Framework that helps Organisations comply with Information Security Regulations and Standards. This can be particularly important in industries such as Finance, Healthcare, and Government, which are subject to strict Information Security requirements.
  4. Reduces risk of data breaches: An effective Information Security Management System can help to reduce the risk of data breaches and cyber attacks, which can result in financial losses, legal liabilities, and reputational damage.
  5. Increases efficiency: The Standard requires Organisations to implement a systematic and risk-based approach to Information Security Management. This can help to improve efficiency by ensuring that resources are allocated to areas where they are most needed.
  6. Helps win new business: Many Businesses require their suppliers to have ISO 27001 Certification to ensure the security of their information. Therefore, obtaining the Certification can help businesses win new customers and contracts.
  7. Enables continual improvement: ISO 27001 requires Organisations to regularly review and improve their Information Security Management System. This ensures that the system remains effective and relevant to changing business needs and evolving security threats.

How Businesses benefit from ISO 27001 Certification?

ISO 27001 Certification is a Standard for Information Security Management. It helps you to ensure that your Organisation has the right measures in place to protect Customer Data, which can be costly if stolen or leaked out.

The process of getting Certified will also help you identify weaknesses in your current processes and fix them before they become bigger problems. Organisations can benefit from ISO 27001 Certification in several ways, including:

  1. Improved Information Security: ISO 27001 provides a systematic and risk-based approach to Information Security Management. By implementing this Standard, Organisations can identify and manage risks to their Information Assets, which can help to improve the security of their information and reduce the risk of data breaches.
  2. Increased customer confidence: ISO 27001 Certification demonstrates that an Organisation has implemented a robust Information Security Management System. This can increase customer confidence in the security of the business’s information and help to build trust with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
  3. Compliance with Regulations: ISO 27001 provides a Framework for complying with Information Security Regulations and Standards. By achieving Certification, Organisations can demonstrate Compliance with these Regulations and reduce the risk of legal or regulatory penalties.
  4. Competitive advantage: ISO 27001 Certification can provide a competitive advantage by demonstrating a commitment to Information Security and a willingness to invest in protecting sensitive information. This can be particularly important in industries where Information Security is a key concern.
  5. Improved business operations: ISO 27001 requires businesses to implement a risk-based approach to Information Security Management, which can help to identify and manage risks to business operations. By doing so, businesses can improve their overall operational efficiency and effectiveness.
  6. Better risk management: ISO 27001 requires businesses to identify, evaluate, and manage risks to their Information Assets. By doing so, businesses can better understand their risk exposure and implement appropriate risk management measures.
  7. Reduced costs: By implementing an effective Information Security Management System, businesses can reduce the costs associated with data breaches, such as legal fees, remediation costs, and reputational damage. This can help to improve the bottom line and reduce financial risk.

How can Neumetric help?

Neumetric is a cybersecurity products and services Organisation that can help Organisations obtain ISO 27001 Certification by providing a range of services that are required for implementing an Information Security Management System [ISMS] and achieving Certification. Here are some of the ways that Neumetric can help:

  1. Develop an ISMS: Neumetric can help Organisations to develop an ISMS that is tailored to their specific needs and requirements. This includes creating Policies, Procedures, and Controls that are designed to protect the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability of their sensitive information.
  2. Conduct a gap analysis: Neumetric can conduct a gap analysis to identify areas where an Organisation’s current security practices fall short of the requirements of ISO 27001. This analysis helps to identify areas that need improvement and provides a roadmap for achieving Compliance.
  3. Perform a Risk Assessment: Neumetric can perform a Risk Assessment to identify and prioritise the risks that an Organisation faces related to its Information Assets. This enables Organisations to implement risk management strategies that are tailored to their specific needs and risks.
  4. Implement Controls: Neumetric can help Organisations to implement the Controls that are required to protect their Information Assets. This includes physical, technical, and administrative controls, such as access controls, encryption, and monitoring and logging.
  5. Conduct Internal Audits: Neumetric can conduct Internal Audits to ensure that an Organisation’s ISMS is functioning effectively and in Compliance with the requirements of ISO 27001. These Audits help to identify areas that need improvement and provide recommendations for corrective action.
  6. Prepare for Certification: Neumetric can help Organisations to prepare for ISO 27001 Certification by reviewing their ISMS and ensuring that it meets the requirements of the standard. This includes preparing documentation and conducting a pre-Certification audit to ensure that the Organisation is ready for the formal Certification Audit.


ISO 27001 is the most widely used Information Security Management Standard in the world. It provides a comprehensive Framework for managing Information Security Risks and it can help Organisations achieve its goals by improving customer satisfaction, productivity and efficiency. Organisations that are ISO 27001 certified enjoy a number of benefits such as higher marketability, improved reputation and trustworthiness among others. If you’re looking for an expert to help you get ISO 27001 Certification then contact us today!


What is the main purpose of ISO 27001?

The primary objective of ISO 27001 is to help Organisations establish and maintain an effective ISMS that can ensure the security of their Information Assets, reduce the risk of data breaches, and improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of their operations. The Standard provides a systematic and risk-based approach to Information Security Management, which includes identifying and managing risks to Information Assets, implementing appropriate Controls to manage those risks, and monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the ISMS over time.

What are the advantages of ISO 27001 Certification for an Organisation?

Advantages of ISO 27001 Certification for an Organisation include:

  1. Improved information security
  2. Compliance with Regulations
  3. Competitive advantage
  4. Improved customer confidence
  5. Better risk management
  6. Enhanced business reputation
  7. Cost savings and efficiency gains.

Who should do ISO 27001 Certification?

Any Organisation that handles sensitive information, regardless of its size or industry, can benefit from ISO 27001 Certification. This includes businesses of all sizes, from Small and Medium-sized Enterprises [SMEs] to large Multinational Corporations, as well as Non-profit Organisations, Government Agencies, and other types of Entities.

ISO 27001 Certification is particularly relevant for Organisations that deal with confidential or personal information, such as Financial Institutions, Healthcare providers, Online Retailers, and other businesses that store or process sensitive data. However, any Organisation that wants to demonstrate a commitment to Information Security and protect its Information Assets can benefit from implementing an ISMS and obtaining ISO 27001 Certification.

Where is ISO 27001 most used in practice?

ISO 27001 is used in a wide range of industries, including Financial services, Healthcare and Technology firms. Among Government and Public sector Organisations—as well as e-Commerce Companies that deal with personal data online —at least part of their security management systems are usually based on ISO/IEC27001.

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