
API VAPT Testing Solutions

When an organization uses an API, it exposes itself to cyber attacks because most APIs are not secure and can be compromised easily. A successful attack can result in data theft or even complete destruction of the system or network. Therefore, it is important for organizations to test their APIs regularly and make sure they’re not vulnerable to attacks that could lead to data loss and other problems.


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Understanding API Vulnerabilities

APIs, by their nature of providing access to data and functionality, can introduce security risks if not properly secured. Common API vulnerabilities include:

Neumetric's API VAPT Approach

Our API VAPT methodology combines industry best practices with our team's deep security expertise. Here's a breakdown of our approach:

Benefits of Neumetric's API VAPT

Neumetric understands the critical role web applications play in today's digital landscape. We offer comprehensive web application penetration testing services designed to identify and address vulnerabilities in your applications, helping you to:

By partnering with Neumetric for your API VAPT, you gain a powerful advantage in securing your APIs and protecting your valuable data assets.
Contact us today to discuss your API VAPT needs!

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What is API in cyber security?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. It’s a set of functions, protocols, and tools that allow two applications to talk to each other. The applications are able to send messages back and forth through the API, which can then translate those messages into something the other application understands.

In the context of cyber security, APIs are commonly used by developers who want to make their applications compatible with other systems or programs. For example, if you’re building an application that needs access to data from another system, you can use an API from that system so your application can connect directly without needing any additional code or software development kits [SDKs].

What is API vulnerability?

API vulnerability is a security issue that occurs when the API of an application is not protected properly. This could allow hackers to take control of the application and manipulate it in ways that were not intended by the developer.

In order for an API to be compromised, there must be some way for a hacker to access it. This can happen through a client-side attack or a server-side attack. In either case, the hacker will be able to intercept data being sent between two systems and access it without being granted access by the system.

What is an API Security Assessment?

API security assessment is a procedure that helps to determine if an Application Programming Interface [API] is vulnerable or not. The process involves checking the HTTP headers, the methods and the data to ensure that they are secure.

The objective of this process is to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information or services by hackers and other cyber criminals. This can be done through the use of encryption and authentication protocols.

This process is performed by qualified professionals who have knowledge about how APIs work and how they can be exploited by hackers.

What are API VAPT tools and techniques used by Neumetric?

Tools: We leverage industry-standard tools like Burp Suite, Postman, and specialised API fuzzing tools to automate vulnerability discovery.

  1. Interception Proxy Tools (Burp Suite, Fiddler): These tools enable us to intercept and analyse API traffic, identify authentication tokens, and manipulate requests to test for vulnerabilities.
  2. API Fuzzing Tools: Specialised tools automate the process of sending malformed or unexpected data to APIs, uncovering potential injection flaws and logic vulnerabilities.
  3. Security Scanners: We leverage industry-recognized API security scanners to identify common configuration weaknesses and exploitable vulnerabilities.
  4. Manual Testing: Our experienced pen testers perform manual testing to uncover logic flaws, business logic vulnerabilities, and weaknesses not identified by automated tools.
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