
Network VAPT Testing Solutions

A Network Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Test [VAPT] is a security assessment that goes beyond simple vulnerability scanning. It identifies and exploits weaknesses in your network environment, simulating a real-world cyberattack. A VAPT's results help you prioritise fixing issues and improve your overall security posture.

Local Area Network VAPT

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Understanding Vulnerabilities for Networks

A vulnerability is a weakness in a network device or system that a malicious actor can exploit. Vulnerabilities can exist in software, hardware, or configuration. Some of the most common types include:

By understanding these types of vulnerabilities, you can take steps to mitigate your risk. Here are some best practices:

Following these best practices can help reduce your risk of being hacked.

Benefits of Network Security Testing

How Neumetric Can Help with Network VAPT

Neumetric, a security consulting firm, can assist you with all aspects of your network VAPT. Our experienced security professionals can help you with:

By partnering with Neumetric, you can ensure a comprehensive and effective network VAPT. We'll help identify and address your security weaknesses to protect your network from cyberattacks.

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Web Application VAPT

Neumetric takes you on a hassle-free & budget-friendly road to Web App VAPT Testing. Check it out Now!

VPC (Cloud) VAPT

Neumetric takes you on a hassle-free & budget-friendly road to Cloud VAPT security. Check it out Now!

Mobile App VAPT

Neumetric takes you on a hassle-free & budget-friendly road to Mobile App VAPT Solutions. Check it out Now!


What is Network VAPT?

Network vulnerability assessments and penetration testing are ways that companies can find out how secure their IT networks are. Vulnerability assessments are the first step towards determining whether or not a company has been hacked, and penetration tests determine the extent of a hacker’s access to a network after they have gained entry. Network vulnerability assessments allow you to see what potential security problems exist in your network and fix them before hackers do so. Penetration tests help you understand how vulnerable your network is if it gets hacked.

What are some of the most common Network or System Vulnerabilities?

Some of the most common Network Vulnerabilities are:

  • Malicious Software (Malware)
  • Outdated Software and Applications
  • Poor Authentication and Authorization
  • Unpatched Systems
  • Misconfigured Operating Systems
  • Human Errors
  • Unmanaged Software
  • Misconfigured Firewalls
  • Insider Threat
  • Weak Passwords
  • Single Factor Authentication
  • Open Insecure Services
  • Configuration Errors
  • Weak Server-Side Controls

How do you perform a network vulnerability assessment?

The first step is to collect information about the systems on your network. You can do this by reviewing documentation, interviewing employees and scanning and performing an audit of active devices on your network. The more information you have at this point, the better off you’ll be when it comes time to identify vulnerabilities.

Once you have that information in hand, you can start looking for vulnerabilities and figuring out what needs fixing. This involves using software tools like Nmap or Nessus to scan for open ports on your systems—but keep in mind that these tools aren’t perfect! They might miss some open ports or misidentify others as closed ones. That’s why it’s important not only to use them but also to take other steps like performing vulnerability assessments manually (that means physically checking every system on your network).

What Network VAPT Checklist does Neumetric follow?

  1. Preparation:
  1. Define the scope of the VAPT (internal network, specific systems, etc.)
  2. Gather network diagrams and asset inventory.
  3. Identify critical systems and data.
  4. Establish communication channels with stakeholders.
  5. Backup important data (for potential accidental modification during testing).
  1. Authorization & Permissions:
  1. Obtain formal authorization for penetration testing activities.
  2. Define acceptable use policies for penetration testing tools.
  3. Secure necessary permissions for network access during testing.
  1. Vulnerability Management:
  1. Update all systems with the latest security patches.
  2. Disable unnecessary services on network devices.
  3. Review firewall rules and access controls.
  1. Documentation:
  1. Prepare a document outlining the VAPT methodology and tools used.
  2. Define success criteria for the assessment.
  1. Communication:
  1. Schedule pre-engagement meetings with stakeholders to discuss goals and expectations.
  2. Establish a communication plan for reporting findings throughout the VAPT.
  1. Post-Assessment:
  1. Schedule a post-engagement meeting to present VAPT results and recommendations.
  2. Develop a remediation plan to address identified vulnerabilities.
  3. Track and implement the remediation plan according to priority.
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