
Mobile App VAPT Testing Solutions

Mobile apps are notoriously vulnerable to attack, and they represent an enormous potential threat to your data and infrastructure. As more people begin using mobile apps, the likelihood of a breach increases. But if you’re not testing your mobile apps for vulnerabilities, you’re risking exposing yourself to unnecessary risk.

Mobile App VAPT

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Understanding Mobile App Vulnerabilities

Mobile applications have become an essential part of our daily lives, but their unique features introduce new security risks. Understanding these vulnerabilities is crucial for securing your mobile apps.

Impact of Mobile App Vulnerabilities:

Protect your users and data with a comprehensive mobile app VAPT

In today's mobile-driven world, apps are gateways to sensitive information. From financial transactions to personal health data, ensuring the security of your mobile app is paramount. Neumetric offers robust mobile app penetration testing services designed to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them.

Why Choose Neumetric for Mobile App Pen Testing?

Ready to Secure Your Mobile App?

Contact Neumetric today to discuss your mobile app penetration testing needs. Our team is here to help you build a stronger defence against cyber threats.

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Neumetric takes you on a hassle-free & budget-friendly road to API Vapt Testing. Check it out Now!


What are the benefits of Mobile App Penetration Testing

  1. Enhanced Security Posture: Proactively identify and address vulnerabilities before malicious actors can exploit them.
  2. Improved User Trust: Demonstrate your commitment to protecting user data and privacy.
  3. Reduced Risk of Data Breaches: Mitigate the potential for costly data breaches and safeguard your reputation.
  4. Compliance with Regulations: Ensure adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements for data security.

What are the tools and phases of Mobile App Penetration Testing

A successful mobile app penetration test follows a structured approach that leverages a combination of automated tools and manual testing expertise. Here's a glimpse into the process:


  1. Static Application Security Testing (SAST) Tools: Analyse app code to identify potential vulnerabilities like insecure coding practices and weak encryption.
  2. Dynamic Analysis Security Testing (DAST) Tools: Dynamic Analysis Security Testing (DAST) tools like Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) and Burp Suite simulate real-world attacks during app runtime to unearth exploitable weaknesses.
  3. Mobile Network Analyzers: Mobile Network Analyzers like Wireshark and Fiddler meticulously monitor network traffic to detect suspicious activity and potential data exfiltration attempts.
  4. In-Depth App Analysis: Mobile Debuggers (e.g., Frida for Android, lldb for iOS) and Disassemblers (e.g IDA Pro, Ghidra) facilitate a deep dive into the app's inner workings, potentially uncovering hidden functionalities that might harbour security risks.


  1. Planning and Scoping: Define the goals, scope, and methodology for the penetration test.
  2. Intelligence Gathering: Collect information about the app, its architecture, and potential threats.
  3. Vulnerability Analysis: Utilise tools and manual testing to identify vulnerabilities in the app.
  4. Exploitation: Attempt to exploit discovered vulnerabilities to assess their severity and potential impact.
  5. Reporting: Document the findings, including vulnerability details, remediation steps, and recommendations for improvement.
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