
Obtaining ISO 27001 Certification for your Organisation

Obtaining ISO 27001 Certification

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ISO 27001 is an International Standard for information security management. It provides a Framework for managing & protecting sensitive information, such as customer data, financial records & intellectual property. ISO 27001 is important because it helps Organisations identify & manage information security risks, comply with legal & regulatory requirements & build trust with customers & stakeholders.

Information security is a critical concern for Organisations of all sizes & types. Data breaches & cyberattacks can result in significant financial losses, reputational damage & legal liabilities. ISO 27001 helps Organisations establish a robust & comprehensive approach to information security management, reducing the likelihood of security incidents & mitigating their impact if they do occur.

Obtaining ISO 27001 Certification can provide several benefits for your Organisation, including:

  • Improved information security management: Obtaining ISO 27001 requires Organisations to establish & implement a comprehensive Information Security Management System [ISMS] that covers all aspects of information security. This helps Organisations identify & manage information security risks more effectively, reducing the likelihood of security incidents.
  • Compliance with legal & regulatory requirements: ISO 27001 provides a framework for Organisations to comply with legal & regulatory requirements related to information security, such as data protection laws & industry-specific regulations.
  • Enhanced customer trust & confidence: ISO 27001 Certification demonstrates to customers & stakeholders that your Organisation takes information security seriously & has implemented measures to protect their sensitive information.
  • Competitive advantage: Obtaining ISO 27001 Certification can provide a competitive advantage for Organisations in industries where information security is a key concern, such as finance, healthcare & technology.
  • Improved internal processes: The implementation of an ISMS & the controls & processes required to meet ISO 27001 requirements can also lead to improvements in internal processes, such as increased efficiency & effectiveness.

Neumetric services in Obtaining ISO 27001 Certification

Neumetric is an information security consulting firm that can provide a range of services to Organisations looking to obtain ISO 27001 Certification. Some of the ways Neumetric can assist Organisations in the context of ISO 27001 Certification include:

  1. Conducting a Gap Analysis: Neumetric can assist Organisations in identifying areas where their current information security management practices fall short of ISO 27001 requirements. This Gap Analysis can help Organisations develop a roadmap for achieving compliance with the standard.
  2. Developing an ISMS: Neumetric can work with Organisations to develop an ISMS that meets the requirements of ISO 27001. This includes developing Policies, Procedures & Controls that help manage information security risks effectively.
  3. Conducting a Risk Assessment: Neumetric can help Organisations identify & assess information security risks & develop a Risk Treatment Plan to manage those risks.
  4. Implementing controls & processes: Neumetric can assist Organisations in implementing the necessary Controls & Processes to meet ISO 27001 requirements, including technical controls, physical controls & administrative controls.
  5. Preparing for the Certification Audit: Neumetric can help Organisations prepare for the Certification Audit by conducting a Pre-Audit Assessment, assisting with documentation & evidence collection & providing guidance on how to address any non-conformities identified during the Audit.
  6. Maintaining Compliance: Neumetric can provide ongoing support to Organisations to help maintain Compliance with ISO 27001 requirements, including conducting Internal Audits, providing training to Employees & identifying opportunities for continual improvement.

Overall, Neumetric can provide Organisations with the expertise & support needed to achieve ISO 27001 Certification & develop effective information security management practices.

Preparing for ISO 27001 Certification

Before beginning the ISO 27001 Certification process, it is essential to conduct a Gap Analysis to identify areas where your Organisation needs to improve its information security management practices. A Gap Analysis involves comparing your current information security management practices with the requirements of the ISO 27001 Standard.

The Gap Analysis should identify any areas where your Organisation falls short of the ISO 27001 requirements & provide a roadmap for addressing those Gaps. This can include developing Policies & Procedures, implementing technical controls & providing training to Employees.

The next step in preparing for ISO 27001 Certification is to develop an Information Security Management System [ISMS]. An ISMS is a comprehensive framework for managing information security that includes Policies, Procedures, controls & processes.

The ISMS should cover all aspects of information security, including physical security, access controls, network security & incident management. It should also include a process for continuous improvement & regular review & updating of Policies & Procedures.

Once the ISMS has been developed, the next step is to implement the Controls & Processes required to meet the ISO 27001 requirements. This can include technical controls, such as firewalls & encryption, as well as administrative controls, such as Policies & Procedures for managing access to sensitive information.

Implementing controls & processes can be a complex & time-consuming process, but it is essential to ensuring that your Organisation meets the requirements of the ISO 27001 Standard.

One of the key requirements of ISO 27001 is conducting a Risk Assessment to identify potential information security risks & develop a Risk Treatment Plan to address those risks. The Risk Assessment should identify the assets that need to be protected, the potential threats to those assets & the vulnerabilities that could be exploited by those threats.

Once the risks have been identified, the Risk Treatment Plan should be developed to address those risks. The Risk Treatment Plan should include specific measures to mitigate the risks, such as implementing additional controls or procedures & assigning responsibilities for implementing those measures.

The ISO 27001 Audit Process

The ISO 27001 Certification process involves a Certification Audit conducted by an independent Certification Body. The Certification Audit is a comprehensive review of your Organisation’s Information Security Management System [ISMS] to ensure that it meets the requirements of the ISO 27001 Standard.

The Audit typically consists of two stages. The first stage involves a review of your Organisation’s documentation & processes to ensure that they meet the requirements of the ISO 27001 Standard. The second stage involves a more in-depth review of the effectiveness of your Organisation’s controls & processes to manage information security risks.

There are two types of Audits involved in the ISO 27001 Certification process: Internal Audits & Certification Audits.

Internal Audits are conducted by your Organisation to assess its Information Security Management System [ISMS] & identify areas for improvement. Internal Audits are an essential part of maintaining compliance with the ISO 27001 Standard & ensuring that your Organisation’s information security management practices remain effective.

Certification Audits are required to obtain ISO 27001 Certification & are typically conducted annually to ensure ongoing compliance. Preparing for the Certification Audit involves ensuring that your Organisation’s documentation & processes meet the requirements of the ISO 27001 Standard & that your Employees are aware of their responsibilities for managing information security risks.

Key steps in preparing for the Certification Audit include:

  • Conducting Internal Audits to identify areas for improvement.
  • Reviewing & updating your Organisation’s documentation & processes to ensure they meet the requirements of the ISO 27001 Standard.
  • Providing training to Employees on information security management practices & their responsibilities for managing information security risks.

To ensure a successful Certification Audit, it is essential to:

  • Ensure that your documentation & processes are up to date & meet the requirements of the ISO 27001 Standard.
  • Provide evidence to the Auditor that your Organisation has implemented the controls & processes required to manage information security risks.
  • Ensure that your Employees are aware of their responsibilities for managing information security risks & are following the Organisation’s Policies & Procedures.
  • Address any non-conformities identified during the Audit promptly & effectively to maintain compliance with the ISO 27001 Standard.

Achieving ISO 27001 Certification

After the Certification Audit is complete, the Certification Body will provide a report with any non-conformities identified & recommendations for addressing those non-conformities.

To achieve ISO 27001 Certification, your Organisation must address any non-conformities identified during the Audit & provide evidence to the Certification Body that those non-conformities have been addressed.

Maintaining compliance with ISO 27001 Standards involves regularly reviewing & updating your Organisation’s Information Security Management System [ISMS] & ensuring that your Employees are aware of their responsibilities for managing information security risks.

Key steps in maintaining compliance with ISO 27001 Standards include:

  • Conducting regular Internal Audits to identify areas for improvement
  • Updating your Organisation’s documentation & processes as needed to meet changes in the ISO 27001 Standard or changes in your Organisation’s information security risks.
  • Providing regular training to Employees on information security management practices & their responsibilities for managing information security risks
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of your Organisation’s controls & processes for managing information security risks.


ISO 27001 Certification is an important way for Organisations to demonstrate their commitment to information security management & to protect their assets & reputation. Obtaining ISO 27001 Certification involves developing & implementing an effective Information Security Management System [ISMS], conducting a Risk Assessment & addressing any non-conformities identified during the Certification Audit.

If your Organisation has not yet obtained ISO 27001 Certification, it is important to take the necessary steps to do so. ISO 27001 Certification can provide a range of benefits, including improved information security management practices, increased customer confidence, compliance with legal & regulatory requirements & a competitive advantage. By following the steps outlined in this article, your Organisation can develop & implement an effective ISMS & achieve ISO 27001 Certification.


How do I get ISO 27001 Certified?

To get ISO 27001 Certified, Organisations need to develop & implement an effective Information Security Management System [ISMS], conduct a Risk Assessment & undergo a Certification Audit by an Accredited Certification Body.

How much does it cost to get ISO 27001 Certified?

The cost of obtaining ISO 27001 Certification varies depending on the size & complexity of the Organisation & the scope of the certification. It is best to obtain quotes from Accredited Certification Bodies.

How hard is it to get ISO 27001 Certification?

Obtaining ISO 27001 Certification requires a significant amount of effort, as Organisations need to develop & implement an effective ISMS & undergo a rigorous Certification Audit. However, with proper planning & guidance, it is achievable.

How can I get ISO 27001 Certification in India?

Organisations in India can obtain ISO 27001 Certification by contacting an Accredited Certification Body in India & following the steps outlined in the ISO 27001 Standard. It may be helpful to work with a consulting firm such as Neumetric that specialises in ISO 27001 Certification to guide the process.

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