
GDPR Certification Cost: Factors, Examples and Benefits

GDPR certification cost

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In today’s digital age, personal data has become one of the most valuable assets. With the rise of data breaches & privacy concerns, the need for stricter regulations to protect individuals’ data has become crucial. The General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] is one such Regulation that has been implemented by the European Union [EU] to protect the privacy & personal data of individuals within the EU. 

Since its implementation in 2018, the GDPR has had a significant impact on the way companies handle & process personal data. In this Journal, we will explore GDPR Certification cost, its benefits & its factors. Whether you are a consumer or a business owner, understanding the GDPR is essential to protect personal data & ensure Compliance with this Regulation. So, let’s dive in & explore what the GDPR is all about.

What is GDPR Certification?

The General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] is a regulation implemented by the European Union [EU] in 2018 to protect the privacy & personal data of individuals within the EU. It replaced the previous Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC & established stricter rules & requirements for companies that handle personal data.

The GDPR applies to all companies, regardless of their location, that process the personal data of individuals in the EU. It gives individuals more control over their data, including the right to access, rectify & erase their data, as well as the right to object to its processing & data portability. The Regulation also requires companies to obtain explicit consent from individuals before processing their data & to implement appropriate measures to protect the data against unauthorised access, theft & loss.

The GDPR imposes severe penalties on companies that violate the Regulation, including fines of up to 4% of their global annual revenue or €20 million (whichever is greater). The Regulation has significantly impacted the way companies handle & process personal data & has become a global standard for data protection.

There are several types of GDPR Certifications available, each with a different Scope & Purpose. Here are some of the most common types of GDPR Certifications:

  • GDPR Data Protection Officer [DPO] Certification: This Certification is for individuals who serve as Data Protection Officers [DPOs] for companies that process the personal data of individuals within the EU. It verifies that the individual has the necessary knowledge & skills to perform their role & comply with GDPR requirements.
  • GDPR Foundation Certification: This Certification is for individuals who need to understand the key principles of GDPR & its requirements. It provides a basic understanding of the GDPR & its implications for businesses.
  • GDPR Practitioner Certification: This Certification is for individuals who are responsible for ensuring GDPR Compliance within their Organisation. It verifies that the individual has the necessary knowledge & skills to implement GDPR Compliance measures & manage GDPR-related issues.
  • GDPR Audit Certification: This Certification is for Auditors who conduct GDPR Compliance Audits for companies. It verifies that the Auditor has the necessary knowledge & skills to conduct a thorough GDPR Compliance Audit.
  • GDPR Certification for Products & Services: This Certification is for products & services that process the personal data of individuals within the EU. It verifies that the product or service meets GDPR Requirements & is GDPR Compliant.

Factors Affecting GDPR Certification Cost

The cost of GDPR Certification can vary depending on several factors. Here are some of the main factors that can affect the cost of GDPR Certification:

  • Type of Certification: The cost of GDPR Certification can vary depending on the type of Certification. Some Certifications may require more time & resources to obtain, which can increase the cost. For example, a GDPR Practitioner Certification may be more expensive than a GDPR Foundation Certification.
  • Size of the organisation: The size of the Organisation can also affect the cost of GDPR Certification. Larger organisations may have more complex data processing activities, which can require more time & resources to review & assess. This can increase the cost of Certification.
  • The Complexity of Data Processing Activities: The complexity of an organisation’s data processing activities can also affect the cost of GDPR Certification. Organisations that process large amounts of personal data or use more complex processing methods may require more extensive reviews & assessments, which can increase the cost of Certification.
  • Level of Readiness for Certification: The level of readiness of an organisation for Certification can also affect the cost. Organisations that have already implemented GDPR Compliance measures may require less time & resources to obtain Certification, which can reduce the cost. On the other hand, organisations that have not yet implemented any GDPR Compliance measures may require more extensive work to achieve Certification, which can increase the cost.

In addition to these factors, the cost of GDPR Certification can also vary depending on the Certification Body chosen, the location of the Organisation & other factors specific to the Organisation. Therefore, it is essential to research & compare the costs & services of different Certification Bodies before selecting one for GDPR Certification.

GDPR Certification Cost Breakdown

GDPR Certification can involve several costs, including certification fees, consultant fees & internal costs. Here is an estimated cost breakdown for each factor affecting GDPR Certification cost:

  1. Certification Fees: Certification fees are the fees charged by the Certification Body for issuing a GDPR Certificate. The cost of certification fees can vary depending on the type of Certification & the Certification Body. GDPR Certification requires obtaining ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 Certification, each of would would cost anywhere between $1000 USD to $4000 USD depending on the size and complexity of the Organisation. On average, the certification fees for GDPR Certification can range from $500 USD to $8,000 USD. If an Organisation is looking only for GDPR Compliance (without Certification), then the Compliance-related costs would range from $100 USD to $4000 USD.
  2. Consultant Fees: Many organisations choose to work with a consultant to help them prepare for GDPR Certification. Consultant fees can vary depending on the level of support required, the complexity of the Organisation’s data processing activities & the consultant’s experience. On average, the consultant fees for GDPR Certification can range from $3,000 USD to $11,000 USD.
  3. Internal Costs: Internal costs are the costs incurred by the organisation for preparing for GDPR Certification. These GDPR certification costs can include employee training, documentation & audit preparation. The cost of internal costs can vary depending on the size of the organisation & the level of readiness for Certification.

It is essential to consider the certification fees, consultant fees & internal costs when budgeting for GDPR Certification. Becoming compliant with GDPR requires obtaining ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 Certifications. While the cost of GDPR Certification may seem high, it is essential to consider the potential consequences of non-compliance, which can result in fines, damage to reputation & loss of customer trust. By investing in GDPR Certification, organisations can demonstrate their commitment to data protection & minimise the risk of non-compliance.

Examples of GDPR Certification Costs

Examples of GDPR Certification costs for different types & sizes of organisations

The General Data Protection Regulation [GDPR] is a strict Data Privacy Regulation that requires organisations to protect the personal data of EU citizens. Achieving GDPR Compliance is not an easy task & obtaining a GDPR Certification can help demonstrate an Organisation’s commitment to data privacy & security. 

The cost of GDPR Certification can vary widely based on the type & size of the Organisation, as well as the Scope of its data processing activities. For smaller businesses with fewer Employees & a more limited Scope of data processing, the cost of Certification may be as low as $5,000 USD to $11,000 USD. Medium-sized businesses with a moderate Scope of data processing may expect to pay around $22,000 USD to $40,000 USD for GDPR Certification, while larger businesses with more complex data processing requirements can expect to pay upwards of $100,000 USD. 

It’s important to note that these are just estimated costs & can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the organisation’s data processing activities, the level of readiness for certification & the cost of updating IT infrastructure to comply with GDPR. Therefore, organisations must work with experienced GDPR Consultants, such as Neumetric, who can develop a customised plan for achieving Compliance while staying within budget. Investing in GDPR Certification can help organisations avoid costly fines & reputational damage while demonstrating a commitment to data privacy & security.

Benefits of GDPR Certification

GDPR Certification can offer several potential benefits for businesses, which can help them to improve their data protection practices, gain a competitive advantage & enhance trust with their customers. One of the most significant benefits of GDPR Certification is that it can demonstrate to customers & stakeholders that the organisation takes data protection seriously & is committed to maintaining high standards of Compliance with GDPR.

By achieving GDPR Certification, businesses can improve their data protection practices, which can help to prevent data breaches, reduce the risk of fines & penalties & protect their reputation. GDPR Certification can also help businesses to identify areas of non-compliance & implement best practices for data protection, which can lead to improved efficiencies & cost savings over time.

Another potential benefit of GDPR Certification is that it can provide businesses with a competitive advantage in their industry. With consumers becoming increasingly concerned about data privacy & security, businesses that are GDPR Certified may be more attractive to customers who are looking for companies that prioritise data protection. GDPR Certification can also demonstrate to partners, suppliers & investors that the organisation is committed to maintaining high standards of Compliance & data protection, which can help to build trust & foster stronger business relationships.


In conclusion, GDPR Certification can be an effective way for businesses to demonstrate their commitment to data protection & Compliance with GDPR. However, the cost of Certification can vary widely based on several factors, such as the type of Certification, the size of the Organisation, the complexity of the data processing activities & the level of readiness for Certification. The cost breakdown may include certification fees, consultant fees & internal costs, such as Employee training, documentation & Audit preparation.

Despite the potential costs, businesses should consider GDPR Certification cost as a means of strengthening their data protection practices & enhancing customer trust. Achieving GDPR Certification can offer several benefits, such as improved data protection practices, competitive advantage & enhanced trust with customers. With data privacy becoming an increasingly important concern for consumers, businesses that are GDPR Certified may be more attractive to customers who are looking for companies that prioritise data protection.

Therefore, businesses should work with experienced GDPR consultants who can help assess their data processing activities, identify areas of non-compliance & develop a customised plan for achieving certification. By investing in GDPR Certification cost, businesses can not only improve their data protection practices but also gain a competitive edge in their industry, foster stronger business relationships & enhance their reputation.


Is there an official GDPR Certification?

No, there is no official GDPR Certification or accreditation issued by the European Union or any of its member states. However, several certification bodies offer GDPR-related Certifications that demonstrate an Organisation’s Compliance with GDPR.

How do I become a GDPR-Compliant company?

To become GDPR Compliant, companies must assess their data processing activities, implement necessary changes to comply with GDPR, appoint a Data Protection Officer (if required) & maintain ongoing Compliance through regular Audits, Training & updates to Policies & Procedures.

Do firms need to certify that they are GDPR Compliant?

No, firms do not need to certify that they are GDPR Compliant. However, they may choose to obtain GDPR-related Certifications from third-party Certification Bodies to demonstrate their Compliance with GDPR & improve trust with customers & stakeholders.

How long does a GDPR certificate last?

The duration of a GDPR certificate varies depending on the type of Certification & the Certification Body’s Policies. Some Certifications may be valid for a few years, while others may require annual renewal. Organisations should consult with the Certification Body to understand the specific duration of their GDPR Certification.

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