
Cybersecurity trends in 2024: What businesses need to know

cybersecurity trends

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As cyber threats continue to evolve, cybersecurity is more vital than ever for businesses in 2024. However, with new technologies, regulations & attack vectors emerging, what should companies prioritise to stay secure in 2024? This Journal explores the most significant cybersecurity trends that organisations need to prepare for.  

Cyber threats are growing in scale & sophistication. Recent years witnessed an explosion in ransomware attacks, data breaches & malicious hacking. Cybercrime is now a trillion-dollar illegal industry. The fast-changing nature of cyber risks necessitates frequent re-evaluation of security strategies. As the threat landscape shifts, new vulnerabilities arise from emerging technologies & regulations bring additional compliance obligations.

This Journal will provide businesses crucial foresight on upcoming cybersecurity challenges they need to tackle. By understanding key trends like developments in attack methodologies, disruptive new technologies, evolving regulatory standards & essential improvements in security postures, organisations can become proactive instead of reactive to the threat climate. The discussion will also spotlight gaps in existing defences that enable recent headline-grabbing cyber incidents.

Review of the current threat landscape  

In recent years, businesses have contended with an array of cyberattacks like ransomware, phishing campaigns & software exploits. Notably in 2021, ransomware attacks increased over 150%, with high-profile incidents like the Colonial Pipeline attack making headlines. These & other threats lead to over $6 trillion in cybercrime damages predicted for 2021. Attackers are also shifting strategies, using techniques like triple extortion in ransomware campaigns or exploiting supply chain vulnerabilities. These trends showcase why cybersecurity requires ongoing evaluation.

Ransomware stands out for both its severe disruptions & rapid evolution. What began with basic encryption attacks to halt business functions has amplified into sophisticated extortion ring operations, often specifically targeting critical infrastructure organisations they know can’t afford downtime. As evidence, ransomware incidents nearly tripled between 2020 & 2021. Frequent headlines of crippling attacks demonstrate ransomware’s business impact – from backlogged shipments with Maersk to weeks-long service delays with Colonial Pipeline.

Beyond ransomware, social engineering techniques like phishing emails represent another rising threat, now weaponising cloud applications & productivity software that access sensitive systems. Overall, cybercriminals exhibit increasing technical expertise combined with patient planning around high-value targets. On average, adversaries lurked undisclosed within victim networks for months before being detected according to 2022 and 2023 studies. Together, these trends paint an urgent priority around improving threat detection & incident response capabilities.

The Growing Influence of New Technologies

Emerging technologies present promising capabilities for cybersecurity along with new attack surfaces to secure:  

Artificial Intelligence [AI] & Machine Learning [ML] Applications  

AI & ML provide enhanced threat intelligence to identify anomalies & malicious activity earlier in the threat cycle. However, as attackers also utilise AI, new cyber risks arise. Businesses must safeguard their AI systems.

Applied within security monitoring tools, AI & machine learning act as force multipliers for threat detection by automating tasks human analysts previously performed. Machine learning algorithms in particular can derive predictive models uncovering activity diverging from normal patterns in network traffic, user behaviours & system logs to pinpoint potential incidents warranting investigation. Through correlating massive datasets edge machine learning integrated into IoT devices further propels real-time response.  

However, AI & ML components also present attack vectors if not properly secured. As the systems ingest more data, the models & decision making improve – something threat actors exploit by poisoning training data or manipulating model inputs. Adversaries likewise leverage AI for highly tailored social engineering & malicious automation. As recommendations push expanded AI adoption, organisations must additionally prioritise monitoring & protecting their AI assets. 

Expanding IoT Ecosystems  

IoT devices continue permeating technology stacks, collecting data & enabling smart capabilities. But more connection points also give attackers more targets, increasing the need for IoT-focused security. Segmenting networks & requiring device-level security are key strategies to limit risks.  

IoT integrations underpin solutions like smart factories, connected vehicles & remote patient monitoring – all transmitting valuable data. Gartner forecasts over 26 billion connected IoT devices by 2025 globally, up from roughly 12 billion in 2021. However, built without adequate security, these interconnected sensors, critical infrastructure & medical devices become easy prey for takeover.  

Their proliferation widens corporate attack surfaces exponentially. Once cybercriminals compromise one device, they can pivot to control others on the network. Unpatched IoT vulnerabilities accordingly amplified recent attacks – the 2021 Colonial Pipeline incident began with just a single compromised IoT device. As modernization initiatives drive further IoT integrations, segmenting device networks & requiring embedded security become essential first steps to mitigate risks.

Quantum Computing Innovation   

While quantum computing promises greater processing power, it also threatens current encryption standards. As quantum technologies advance, upgrading encryption protocols like migrating to quantum-resistant algorithms will grow in priority to keep data secure post-quantum.   

Quantum will enable computational breakthroughs by harnessing quantum physics properties like superposition & entanglement. However, these same properties can also be harnessed to upend fundamental encryption techniques securing online data. All standard encryption today depends on mathematical assumptions a quantum computer could render obsolete.

At risk are the digital assets, intellectual property & sensitive information underpinning business innovation & competitiveness. As quantum adoption approaches, transitioning encryption protocols to quantum-resistant algorithms like lattice-based or hash-based cryptography is vital to safeguard data against post-quantum encryption threats.

Escalating Cyber Threats to Counter   

Evolving threats underscore the need for awareness & proactive security:  

More Targeted Ransomware  

Instead of blanket attacks, ransomware groups conduct deeper reconnaissance on targets before attacking to extort higher payouts. Defending against modern ransomware requires minimising human access, segmenting networks & backing up data offline.

Where early ransomware was sprayed widely, modern variants research targets extensively through tactics like buying stolen employee passwords on the dark web to gain internal access or combing victims’ networks for weeks before activating file encryption. These groups know employee identities, critical systems, backup processes – gaining maximum disruptive impact.

Once inside, many ransomware attacks also include an extortion component threatening to leak exfiltrated data publicly unless paid, further coercing victims. Multi-prong response plans with compromised device isolation, secure backups allowing wipe & rebuild recoveries & staff attack simulation training provide starting points to counter the ransomware epidemic. 

Supply Chain Attacks Expanding  

Vulnerabilities in third-party supplier environments increasingly provide side door access to prime targets, evidenced by attacks like SolarWinds. Companies need greater visibility across their supply chains to identify risks proactively.

Technology supply chains create concentrated risks where single vulnerabilities ripple widely downstream. The major SolarWinds breach, entering over 100 global corporations & government agencies, typified supply chain attacks infiltrating trusted channels. With limited visibility into third-parties, undetected initial intrusions subsequently spread deeper into primary targets.

Supply chain cyber incidents more than doubled between 2020 & 2021. Alongside SolarWinds, cross-industry logistics provider Hellmann Worldwide Logistics & IT management firm Kaseya suffered high-stakes supply chain attacks threatening thousands of customers globally. The expanding priority attackers place on supply chains necessitates greater controls like cybersecurity audits & ensured separation across supplier access points.

Keeping Pace with Compliance Standards   

Expanding data privacy regulations also signal an added emphasis on cybersecurity:  

Regional Compliance Environments   

As legislation like GDPR & CCPA levies stricter requirements & higher fines for violations, organisations globalising need to track relevant compliance changes based on how they handle data.  

Many organisations struggled under GDPR’s tightened data privacy provisions in the EU. Yet regulations continue proliferating worldwide – presenting a complex web to track. Brazil, India & South Korea implemented similarly expansive policies after GDPR’s rollout. In the US, states like California & Virginia have likewise raised the bar legally for consumer data protections.  

Each law calls out specific cybersecurity controls needed to govern & protect data processing – driving technology & policy changes for legal compliance. Keeping current across legal environments is an increasing Governance, Risk & Compliance [GRC] challenge with data responsibilities crossing borders.

Cybersecurity Safeguards as Key Controls  

Regulations frequently highlight cybersecurity controls like encryption & access management as vital for compliance. Maintaining these safeguards, alongside monitoring for shifting regulatory obligations, is essential for avoiding legal exposure.  

Common across global privacy legislation are directives around implementing appropriate cybersecurity controls – wagering that what is good security practice also underpins privacy protections. Requirements like access restrictions, monitoring, encryption & incident response planning reappear consistently.  

Yet simply offering these at face value is not enough as scrutinization increases. Organisations must substantiate the adequacy of their security controls if regulators come knocking. Moreover, they need to verify controls stay consistent with evolving legal obligations in the regions they operate. Keeping security & compliance teams aligned therefore grows in importance to confirm systems meet expectations.

Strengthening the Human Firewall  

Despite technological advances, human behaviour remains integral for security:   

Enhancing Employee Training   

Continuous, updated security awareness programs need emphasis in 2024 to evolve employee vigilance around risks like phishing & social engineering. This culture shift is as crucial as any technological control.   

While phishing threats become more targeted, employees still click phishing links at alarming rates – 30% still clicked within minutes in testing. Carelessness around high-risk behaviours like password reuse or unsafe web browsing also frequently enable breaches.

Technology alone cannot prevent users from falling prey to even simple malicious messages without a baseline of security understanding. Mandating interactive training with updates on current threat methods is essential alongside phishing simulations to condition caution. As threats advance, so too must workforce education to manage human risk factors.

Insider Threat Mitigation   

While external attacks capture attention, insider threats accounted for over 60% of security incidents in 2022 and continue to grow for 2024. Stringent access policies, activity monitoring & prompt off-boarding are key to govern employee data access & minimise misuse.  

Insider threats run the gamut from stolen credentials, accidental data exposures, embezzlement, to espionage by malicious employees. Increased remote work & cloud adoption widen vulnerabilities from the inside. Yet half of organisations lack fundamental controls like access reviews to govern internal permissions amid workforce changes.

Access analysis, detailed activity logs & routine user-level risk assessments help timely flag abnormal access attempts or questionable insider behaviours. Comprehensive employee security policies & education provide a first line of defence. Monitoring, access management & offboarding protocols then provide layered oversight against internal threats.

Mature Cybersecurity Posture Essentials  

Fundamentally, cybersecurity experts highlight two elements as foundational in 2024:  

Proactive Threat Strategies   

Instead of reactive measures, leading programs will feature threat hunting, enhanced analytics leveraging AI & machine learning & cyber intelligence to predict & disrupt attacks before they spread.  

Traditionally, security teams relied on alerts & monitoring for indicators of compromise only after attack detonation within networks & endpoints. Yet current response-driven models prove inadequate when breaches often go overlooked for months. 

Shifting left in the kill chain to thwart threats pre-execution demands more than just real-time alerting – it requires proactively uncovering abnormal behaviours, administrator activity, suspicious internal actions & externally-linked attack planning using threat intelligence before incidents detonate. Security teams need resources & tools to graduate from reactive to proactive.

Security Process Automation  

Mundane tasks still consume security teams’ time. Automating these workflow steps allows staff to focus on higher-value assessments, while orchestration connects & streamlines incident response across security infrastructure.

Even with advanced analytic suites, 40% of an average security analyst’s week focuses on administrative upkeep – validating alerts, documenting cases, updating metrics. As team budgets remain lean, this grunt work hinders responding to real threats. Offloading triage & data organisation tasks to ML tools give back time for investigations & hardening defences.

Equally crucial, interlinked response capabilities reduce delays coordinating analysis, decisions & mitigation cross-silo across network, endpoint & identity controls. Automating security processes promises both heightened resilience & optimised team impact.

The Road Ahead

While threat innovation continues accelerating, companies cannot risk complacency. Cyber risks will undoubtedly persist evolving in 2024, underscoring why both state-of-the-art security solutions & addressing foundational weaknesses attackers exploit remain mandatory. Organisations that dedicate resources now to align their security posture to emerging trends & compliance obligations will reinforce cyber resilience while furthering their business goals. The time is now for executives to invest in cybersecurity not as a cost centre but as a strategic safeguard for success. 

With risks compounding, a piecemeal or stagnant approach to security exposes firms to preventable damage. But companies proactively preparing through technology upgrades, enhanced risk management programs & deeper staff security skills head into 2024 with the edge against cyber threats. They turn cybersecurity into an enabler for business opportunity rather than a detractor. For these leaders, robust security drives trust & fuels innovation safely even as the threat climate deteriorates globally. Their examples provide the model all businesses must now follow to secure their future.


With new cyberattack methods constantly appearing, how can companies prioritise what to focus on defending against? 

While it may seem daunting trying to defend against an ever-expanding array of cyber threats, companies need to take a step back & reinforce security fundamentals first. Instead of jumping to adopt every new security solution that hits the market, assess core areas like your access policies, employee training, backup protocols, network segmentation & incident response preparedness. Build a resilient security foundation, then evaluate new risks & technologies contextually for your organisation. Stay nimble to address “what’s next”, but not at the expense of securing the basics.

Does more advanced technology like AI & machine learning introduce cyber risks as well as benefits for security teams?

Absolutely – any powerful technology carries inherent risks. While AI & ML enable automated threat detection at unprecedented scale, they also open potential attack vectors. Just as defenders utilise AI/ML for prevention & response, hackers can weaponize it for malicious spoofing, swarms of botnet attacks or poisoning data inputs. Companies must safeguard the data pipelines feeding these tools & have detection methods in place to spot anomalies in their behaviour. The key is balancing caution while still moving forward innovatively. With careful management of their downsides, emerging technologies like AI can give security teams an edge against the tide of threats.  

With software supply chain attacks in the news lately, what’s the best way for companies to limit risks from third-party vendors?

The reality is you need to trust but verify with vendors. While you can’t fully control external partners’ environments, you can gain transparency & place controls. Conduct cybersecurity assessments as part of vendor selection, mandate essential protections contractually, authenticate & authorise access minimally & actively monitor vendor touch points. Promote information sharing about threats across your supply chain. Build in redundancy for critical third-parties where feasible. Supply chain security is undoubtedly a team effort – collaborating closely with vendors around risks allows you to prevent their vulnerabilities from becoming your own.

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