
Supply Chain Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity attacks aim to strike an organisation’s weakest areas. Organisations’ vulnerability to cyber attacks in the supply chain has grown increasingly obvious as they concentrate on bolstering their own cyber security. Numerous incidents in recent history show how attacks on companies through less-secure locations in the supply chain resulted in serious economic & damage to reputation.

Digital interactions with supply chain organisations can happen from any component of an organisation, thus they are not only restricted to those that offer Information & Communications Technology [ICT] services or infrastructure. Cyber threats to the supply chain are thus an enterprise-wide issue that calls for a business-led response to handle the very real dangers they provide.

The handling of a product or service’s full manufacturing flow, from the raw materials through the delivery of the finished product to the customer, is known as supply chain management. A business establishes a network of suppliers (or “links” in the chain”) to convey the product from raw material suppliers to businesses that interact with customers directly.

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Challenges in the Supply Chain cybersecurity industry

The Supply Chain Industry struggles with significant cyber security challenges as it navigates its complex web of interconnected systems. With numerous players involved, each introducing their own vulnerabilities, the industry faces a vast attack surface that malicious actors are eager to exploit. The exchange of valuable data within the supply chain, coupled with inadequate security measures & third-party risks, further exposes it to cyber threats. 

Rapid digital transformation has outpaced the development of robust security protocols, making it challenging to secure complex systems & legacy infrastructures. The ever-evolving nature of cyber threats adds unpredictability to the mix, requiring a multi-faceted approach to address the issues. By promoting cyber awareness, implementing leading industry security practices such as ISO 27001 or GDPR, fostering collaboration & investing in cutting-edge security tools, the Supply Chain Industry can fortify its defences & protect against the constant barrage of cyber risks.

How to achieve Compliance?

To ensure compliance, Organisations that operate in the Supply Chain need highly qualified and educated cybersecurity teams, sophisticated information systems and best practices. Here are the top 3 most suited regulations and compliances for the Supply Chain cybersecurity industry.
Obtaining ISO 27001 Certification

By implementing ISO 27001, businesses in the supply chain fortify their defences, ensuring the protection of valuable data & sensitive information. This powerful standard demands a proactive approach, requiring organisations to assess risks, develop robust security measures & continuously improve their defences. With ISO 27001 in their arsenal, the Supply Chain Industry can stand strong in the face of cyber threats, preserving the trust of customers, partners & stakeholders alike.

GDPR Compliance
Becoming EU GDPR Compliant

By adhering to the GDPR’s stringent rules & regulations, companies are compelled to bolster their cybersecurity defences & keep a vigilant eye on their data handling practices. Embracing GDPR compliance is not just a matter of compliance, but it signifies a commitment to maintaining the highest standards of data security, building trust among customers & partners & reinforcing the industry’s position as a strong defender of sensitive information.

Becoming ISO 27701 Compliant

When an organisation achieves ISO 27701 compliance, it demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding customer data. By aligning with this standard, companies embed privacy controls into their processes, making sure that sensitive information is kept safe from the ever-present threat of cyber attacks. ISO 27701 compliance isn’t just about fulfilling obligations; it’s a proactive stance to preserve customer trust, maintain regulatory compliance & solidify the industry’s reputation.

Why choose Neumetric?

As a provider of cyber security products and services, Neumetric helps organisations improve their information security and establish a safe environment for their activities.

Our clients

Cybersecurity for other Industries


Discover our comprehensive cybersecurity services tailored for the healthcare industry. Safeguard your medical records and infrastructure with our expert solutions. Enhance your organisation's resilience and trustworthiness with our cutting-edge cybersecurity expertise.


Protect your agricultural operations from cyber threats with our specialised cybersecurity services. Stay compliant with industry regulations and maintain the integrity of your valuable farming data. Trust our expertise to secure your agricultural operations and enable sustainable growth in the digital age.

Fintech Cybersecurity

Discover our comprehensive cybersecurity services tailored for the fintech industry. Safeguard your financial technology infrastructure with our expert solutions. Enhance your fintech's resilience and trustworthiness with our cutting-edge cybersecurity expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Cybersecurity in the supply chain is managed through the process of discovering, evaluating & controlling both technology & human risk factors involved in all the third party suppliers of an organisation. The network of all the people, businesses, resources, tasks, activities & technological advancements involved in the production & distribution of a good is known as the supply chain.

It is possible for organisations to lower the likelihood of successful cyberattacks & reduce the effect of any breaches by putting a priority on third party risk management best practices. For the supply chain sector to develop resilience & sustain operational continuity amid interruptions, cybersecurity must be implemented. Cybersecurity standards such as ISO 27001 help in implementing a robust Information Security Program that helps organisations evaluate all areas of risks including Supply Chains.

Cyberattacks have significant effects on supply chains, causing operational disruptions, data breaches & financial losses. Sensitive information exposure can lead to reputational damage & regulatory compliance issues. Suppliers' capabilities may be affected, leading to delays & counterfeit product infiltrations. Intellectual property theft can give competitors an advantage, impacting long-term business relationships. To mitigate these risks, companies must invest in robust cybersecurity measures, conduct regular audits & promote collaboration among supply chain partners.

Supply chain security risks encompass a range of potential threats & vulnerabilities that can disrupt the flow of goods & information within the supply chain. These risks include cyberattacks on critical systems, data breaches compromising sensitive information, counterfeit goods infiltration, supplier & vendor vulnerabilities, intellectual property theft, operational disruptions, regulatory compliance challenges & reputational damage. To safeguard against these risks, organisations must implement comprehensive security measures, conduct risk assessments, establish strong relationships with trusted suppliers & foster a culture of security awareness throughout the supply chain.

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